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History of Riddles
Riddles came from old
English poetry. Their
literary ancestry dates all
the way back to
Plato and
Aristotle. In ancient Greece,
riddles were used as a
cunning tool, to
demonstrate wit and
Writers in poetry also
began expressing
themselves through riddles.
When a poem contains a
riddle, the reader’s mind
can be stimulated and the
writer can successfully get
their message across in a
more interesting way. Some
poetry even has answers
to it that you had to riddle
Theater is another place
where riddles show up.
Shakespeare was famous
for his works, which had a
lot of riddles in them. For
example, in Romeo and
Juliet, Romeo proclaimed his
love in a riddle for the
audience to interpret.
Today, examples of riddles
can be found in movies as
well. For example, in the
Saw, Jigsaw the main
character engages men and
women in a riddle to save
their lives. Most of the time
the answer is simple, but
some are difficult to
comprehend. One of his
riddles is “Do you feel you
have enough faith to stick
this out, or do you need
the help of some higher
power? Look around
salvation may be right
across the room.” The
answer to that riddle was a
Riddles can be used in a
contest of wit and skill, sort
of like a guessing game.
Riddle games have been
played since ancient times,
and are still being played
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